Outdoor Lighting

Lampost Construction Components
Company History and Background
Founded: 2002
Lampost Construction Components manufacture a comprehensive range of quality steel lighting columns and accessories for all lighting requirements. Lampost Construction has developed in-house computer software for the design of its lighting columns. Detailed column design calculations can be carried out and verified. Lampost’s columns are designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest European standards. Columns up to 20m in height are governed by I.S. EN40 and by additional requirements of the National Roads Authority Specification for Road Works. High mast columns are designed in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute of Lighting Engineers. Specific requirements of Local Authorities and public utility companies are also incorporated into the design and manufacturing process. Lampost’s quality system is approved by NSAI to I.S. EN ISO 9001:2000 for the design and manufacture of lighting columns and accessories. We take pride in the personal service we offer clients, and are constantly developing and seeking to improve our product range.