Other Nails

Anping Feicheng Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd.
Company History and Background
Founded: 2012
Feicheng Wiremesh Products Co., Limited was established to furnish wire mesh (i.e. stainless steel wire mesh, wire mesh basket, wire mesh screen, welded wire fabric,gabions,fences,crimped wire mesh,galvanized wire) for chemical processing, food processing, and aeronautics. Over the 19 years of its existence, the director and its employees have accumulated unparalleled experience in the weaving and fabricating of all metalwork. In addition to wire mesh, Feicheng Wiremesh Products Co., Limited is able to manufacture hardware as common nails,roofing nails and concrete nails. The business is fully accredited to ISO9001/2008 and SGS9001/2000 so clients can be assured that all products are manufactured to rigid quality procedures. We welcome your special requirements, and can produce your prototypes or production runs on time due to flexible manufacturing schedules.