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Home Chemicals Adhesives & Sealants Shanghai Shunan Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Adhesives & Sealants

Shanghai Shunan Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Shunan Building Materials Co., Ltd.

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Company History and Background

Founded: 2004

e composite board, pre-insulated air duct panel alu foil covered, freezer panel- Polyestyrene foam insulation sheets(Extruded Polystyrene Insulation and Expanded Polystyrene Insulation), EPS/XPS sandwich panels, thermo-acoustic insulation layer from extruded polystyrene- Rockwool insulation board- Cellular glass boards3) Accessories and supplementary of EIFS- Fiberglass mesh & fiber glass mesh self - adhesive- EIFS plastic dowels- Corner bead4)Concrete Admixtures- Concrete/mortar accelerator- SNF- Expansion agent (sy-a,sy-k,sy-g)- High performance water reducing agent 5)Base coat( bottom coating)/Top Coating- Heavy Textured Acrylic Primer- Heavy Textured Acrylic Finish Coat6)Waterproofing materials- Polyurethane waterproofing coating- Waterproof MembraneThe product of the company has the following characteristics1) Environmentally friendly and healthy, we have obtained ISO 9001 20082) The quality is stable and excellent 3) A variety of products, satisfies all the needs of old building and new building. 4) Effective construction, can be implemented both mechanically and manually, increases effectiveness from 250% to 800%, short working times with high efficiency. 5) A life time of cost efficiency, usage and maintenance costs are low. 6) Saves resources, can save up to 7% in the usage of basic building, saving can be up to 1.5% while reducing the investments for pegs, foundation walls, floors, cement, and reinforcing steel, and respectively reducing the usage of cement, concrete and reinforcing steel bars. 7) Simple to construct, the advanced integration enables the individual constructor to build without professional training, and build like one pleases. Facade SA Group has as early as 2004 begun to research and produce outer wall insulation system, and with the Facade external wall series it has already an experience of 8 years,The Facade external insulation system uses polystyrene foam boards or XPS boards as insulation material, with the boards pasted on the wall with Facade adhesive, and then fastened to the wall with fasteners. Afterwards two coats of adhesive are applied onto the boards with a glass fiber mesh embedded into the adhesive. Finally the surface is covered with a paint or decorative plaster, and so an external insulation system is achieved. This system offers a satisfactory insulation result and stands time and weather while at same time possesses a decorative impression. It is a versatile system for heat insulation in buildings. SA Groups Facade ETICS has the advantages listed below:1) Upstanding adhesive capability. Ensures that the insulation boards are firmly applied on the walls. 2) Low water absorption. With the combination of the materials, the walls are water resistant and let rain water flow quickly off the surface of the wall, while keeping the insulation layer dry and obtain a favorable insulation effect. 3) Fiber reinforced crack preventive characteristic. The Facade adhesive for

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