Home Personal Care & Beauty Makeup Lipstick Yiwu ChinaSKU I/E Co., Ltd.

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Home Personal Care & Beauty Makeup Lipstick Yiwu ChinaSKU I/E Co., Ltd.


Yiwu ChinaSKU I/E Co., Ltd.

Yiwu ChinaSKU I/E Co., Ltd.

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Company History and Background

Founded: 2014

CHINASKU is an exporter helping the importers and wholesalers buy from China more efficiently and at lower cost. On CHINASKU.com, the customers can get access to tens of thousands of products including household products, kitchenware, hardware, electronics, stationery, toys, gifts, ornaments and jewelry, apparel and accessories etc. Our customers include general merchandise importers, wholesalers, retail chains, supermarkets, and dollar shops from Europe, the U.S., Latin America, Africa, Central America, Australia & New Zealand. What do our customers say about us: "You are the only person in China that... I trust" - Vlado Nikic (Croatia) "As per seen your genuine and honest work, now i made decision to purchase product..." -Navin Maharjan (Nepal) "The goods look very nice and are selling good. I am not selling them with a large markup so people are excited to buy. If you get any other products that you think I might be interested in can you send me pictures and prices to look at please. People are always looking for bargains or specials." -Gwen Herbst(New Zealand)

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