Home Packaging Food Packaging Xiamen Whole View Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

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Home Packaging Food Packaging Xiamen Whole View Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

Food Packaging

Xiamen Whole View Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

Xiamen Whole View Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

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Company History and Background

Founded: 2008

WVSCM is a professional trade organization specializing in optimal supply chain management for their global client base. Our manufacturing capabilities are concentrated in China but our product focus is sustainable products for worldwide use such as: beverage and food-safe containers; commercial, industrial and consumer bags and flexible packaging along with specialty products in water and energy conservation. Our products are made from a wide array of materials from bio plastics to plant waste byproducts. We work closely with clients from Western Europe, Australia, Japan and the United States to strengthen and implement the design, development and optimization of the 'green' supply chain in these industry sectors. In business since 2008, WVSCM has earned their reputation for integrity, quality and service through continuous improvement methods. We believe in accessibility, communication clarity, transparency and ease-of-doing business for our customers; insuring that first-time clients receive the same sense of transactional confidence as do veterans of world commerce. We welcome your inquiry and look forward to serving your needs; whether to design, produce and distribute for retail sales or to source and develop materials with specific properties for unique applications. We will also source other reputable suppliers if outside our field of expertise or capability. Please see our "Contact Us" page for further information about the company or our capabilities or click on a product icon for specific product information.

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