Blog: Recent stories > Legal > There are 1.6 lawyers per 10,000 Chinese people

There are 1.6 lawyers per 10,000 Chinese people

In a report released by the All China Lawyer Association in August 27th 2013 it states that the legal profession in China is developing with a ratio of 1.6 lawyers for every 10,000 people.

The report goes onto say that in 2012 there was 19,361 law firms with 232,384 lawyers in China with this figure annually increasing by 9.1%.

Beijing tops the list with the highest ratio of lawyers while regions such as Anhui, Qinghai, Gansu, Guizhou having the lowest ration. 26.6% of all the lawyers in China are women. offers its visitors with China legal services through its legal partner Zhonglun W&D Law Firm. You can find the link to their website page here

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